Analysis of Question: Theme: Employee’s Career Management

Scope: Benefit of independent career on individuals and organizations

Task: To what extent should an organization control a person’s career path (should an employee’s career be managed by themselves or by the organization and what are the effects of both situations)
The second portfolio piece related to the Research Essay is the First Draft, worth 20% of the final essay grade. The draft is 750 words (+-5%) and must include the following:

• a thesis statement/position in relation to the essay question (the introduction does not need to be complete)
• at least one fully developed main body paragraph
• answer to the essay question (the conclusion does not need to be complete)
• reference to the three Source Pack texts
• reference to at least one additional source (if possible, in the section you are submitting)
• a reference list (not counted towards the 750-word count)

You have to use 3 resources from this paper and 2 from outside.

the word count should be 750

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