
Read the articles:
Brimm, L. (2015). How to embrace complex change HBR, 93(9): Pages 108-112.
Bradberry, T. 2015 11 Ways Successful People Overcome Uncertainty Forbes, December, 21
Deliverables: This assignment requires you to choose one of the steps* below, submit proof of completion, and a paragraph describing: the process you took to pursue the chosen step, the uncertainties you faced in order to take the step, and how you overcame them (including strategies from the readings).

Key guidelines are:
1) The step should be a new activity.
2) The activity/step should be aligned with the goals you have for the Creative Expression project, and/or your career/entrepreneurial goals.
Proof of Completion
Get feedback about your project from potential users in your social environment and/or test the idea ‘virtually’, by posting it on social media or discussion forums, asking for feedback with specific questions, and making sure to respond to any questions they may ask. (Minimum of 3 comments)
Submit link to post (make the post public), screenshots of the post, and comments received.

Host a Zoom focus group (3 to 5 people from your social network or outside of it) to discuss your Creative Expression Project, or an entrepreneurial project you plan to launch in the future. Create a sample of what you are planning to construct to show them.

Share a photo of the Zoom meeting, and ask questions via the chat and save the chat. Another option would be to record the meeting with permission, and submit the recording as a link by saving it to the cloud. Please also consider including a brief discussion of the main takeaways.

Research and Apply for an Internship in your field of interest. Optional resource: STARR Career Development Center.
Internship announcement, updated resume, cover letter (if applicable), and confirmation of application submitted.
Ask for more responsibilities/a promotion at your current job.

Script you prepared, confirmation of meeting, current and new responsibilities, official current and new job descriptions, the announcement of the job opportunity if available.

Reach out to someone who has achieved or has the business/career you would like to pursue, ask for an informational interview, and conduct the interview.

Include the person’s contact information and social media presence, a screenshot of the email or text exchange to schedule the meeting, the reasons you chose to interview this person, the details of the interview, and your main takeaways.

Develop a relationship with a new mentor who is an expert in your field of interest, and have one meeting with him/her.

Include the person’s contact information and social media presence, screenshot of the email or text exchange to schedule the meeting, and the details of the first meeting.1. What is the new task/activity you are proposing?
2. Why do you think it will fulfill your opportunity to deal with uncertainties?
3. What will be your proof of completion?
4. Why do you think the level/amount of work is comparable to the original assignment?

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