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APA Style, have at least 5 APA approved sources (empirical papers that have actually conducted studies), literature review should be a SUMMARY and SYNTHESIS of published research in a subject area.

After you review the prior research, go on to perform an integration/synthesis of the reviewed information with the new ideas that you bring to the table:

Describe the goals and unique contribution of the present study, and how they flow from or seek to refine or question previous work.

What is the problem being investigated?

Are there studies that examine the same topic you are investigating? What did they find?

What is the unique contribution that your study would be adding to the research area in which you are interested?

How will your study be different compared to the others conducted on the same (or similar) topic?

Identify limitations of studies that cast doubt on the findings

Are there findings that go against what you are proposing? What are some potential problems with those studies? Could those limitations be a reason for those contradictory findings?

Point out inconsistent findings between studies

Can you think of any reasons for these inconsistencies?

What can be done to perhaps lessen these inconsistencies?

Describe in detail the predictions that your perspective makes about the results of the current studies and discuss relevant theories (if applicable).

List the formal hypotheses that you have about the expected outcomes


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