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The world of real estate law is vast, whether examining the realm of residential or commercial real estate. Real estate law is typically determined state to state in America. While the basics of real estate law have predominantly stayed commonplace, some have had more evolution and relevance in modern society.

You will then write a minimum 3-4 page paper summarizing the real estate issue you have selected, explaining its importance, the issue’s law in your home state (statutes or case law) if applicable, how the issue is evolving and what the future may hold. Your paper may exceed the minimum page requirement if needed.

While you may have certain areas that include opinion, such as what the future may hold, the majority of your paper should be focused on research. You should have at least four (4) academic sources, but more is suggested.

Research: You should conduct research and use academic sources to support your statements. Research should come from academic sources such as case law, statutes and law review articles in Nexis Uni; articles in the Library (Summon); news paper articles; federal/state government websites; court websites; and academic studies containing statistics.

You may also do research at your local library, local real estate commission or conduct interviews of those in the field of real estate or law. Non-academic websites, such as Wikipedia or advertising blogs, such as Findlaw, may not be used.


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