Write on short (300-500 word) literary analysis essay based on one of our course readings so far.

When writing a literary analysis, your job is to explore the way literature works, what it means, or how and why it has the emotional impact it does.

To be more specific: for a short essay, focus on one specific attribute of your text — i.e., character, theme, setting, point of view, alliteration, symbols, imagery, figurative language, and so forth. When discussing these attributes, make sure that you state a specific, arguable point about them. You should demonstrate this point with reasons and evidence drawn from the text.

Do not waste words with a broad introduction; rather, state your thesis and present your idea as clearly and succinctly as possible.

All papers should be in MLA format, that means double-spaced, with one-inch margins and in a 12- point font.

• Avoid summarizing the plot. Instead analyze the story in literary terms; that is, discover or reveal something about the story through close reading.
• Support your points with evidence; that is, use direct quotations or paraphrases.
• Cite prose, poetry, critics, and any other sources used according to the MLA standards (i.e. insert the page or line number at the end of your quote or summary, with the author’s name if not in the sentence).
• Write about literature in the present tense.

Because literary essays and research papers are supposed to convey ideas clearly, provide evidence and follow certain conventions, they can be graded objectively. The following rubric is designed to emphasize clarity, communication, structure, evidence and thought. Because this is research writing class, mechanics (which include citation format) will carry a portion of each grade. Consult the MLA Style website for all formatting guidelines.

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