Background: Watch the video, What do landscapes tell us about our culture, located within the Popular Culture section of Module 1. This video discusses four ways we can interpret the material culture of our landscapes:

– the history of who occupied and worked the land

– the ethnic signatures on the landscape

– the contemporary interactions and values of the landscape

– the impacts of spatial scale (global forces, national pressures, local actions, etc) on the landscape.

Assignment: Select a place that you are familiar with and conduct a cultural landscape analysis of that place. Use the four ideas presented in the video and your own observations to submit a discussion (1500 words minimum/ word count must appear that the top of the page) about the culture of the place you selected. Submit at least three photos that exemplify what it is you are sharing in your discussion. Include citations of any sources you find that provide information or insight into the place you have chosen for your analysis.



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