Crime in the US

Submit an original post consisting of at least 500 words of discussion that respond to ALL of the following prompts:

Discuss how crime is measured in the United States; and

Explain what challenges appear to affect the validity of crime reporting in the United States?

Remember that for every statement that you make offering a claim of fact/truth that you did not witness or can present as common knowledge information NEEDS to be supported (in-text citation, a narrative reference to your consulted source) with scholarly resources.

Offering an in-text citation as part of the closing sentence of a paragraph does not cover your validation requirement (if applicable) for any of the preceding sentences emanating from what you borrowed from your applied scholarly sources.

Also, as a graduate student, you need to do more than just repeat/regurgitate what your consulted source(s) may say about a particular issue.

In this course, you need to use your critical thinking skills (not your opinions) to evaluate, analyze, and apply the contributing knowledge your cited materials offer to your arguments and your educated conclusions


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