CO1: Explain what myth and ritual are and are not and compare myths to other “stories” such as legends and folktales.
CO2: Discuss the purpose of mythology and rituals, both in contemporary society and in ancient times.
CO3: Discuss universal characteristics or themes common to all myths.
CO6: Analyze various ancient and contemporary myths using theories of myth interpretation.


The purpose of the Myth & Culture Project is to develop a multi-media presentation using scholarly research choosing one of the following topics:

Interpret a literary work of fiction or an artistic creation, emphasizing its mythic content and symbolic meaning.
Analyze how modern society (in various media) uses mythic images and ideas to influence viewers and listeners.
Content should include the following:

The presentation should be a total of 20 slides, including a title slide and a Works Cited slide.
The use of at least five scholarly sources.
Good grammar, spelling and writing.
MLA citation in the body of the text and in a reference section.
For the specific details on what should be included in this assignment, please see the attached grading criteria.

Presentation Format:

PowerPoint – slides with text and/or audio narration. Here is a link to the PowerPoint User Guide.
Powtoon – is a free online way to create animated videos using “drag and drop” templates that are ready to use
Prezi – is a visual storytelling software alternative to traditional slide-based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like, schematic overview that lets users pan between topics at will, zoom in on desired details, and pull back to reveal context.
Wix – is free and easy to use. Wix features user-friendly drag and drop technology, so you can easily change or customize your website. All that is required is to set-up an account using your email address and password. Here is an easy guide for creating Wix websites. Wix also has an excellent Help Center to address any questions you have while creating your website.

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