Topic: Social Work Case Worksheet for Zoe

Use this template to complete your Week 5 Worksheet Assignment the Biopsychosocial Assessment and then add your eco-gram, geno-gram and culturagram at the end:

Use this template to complete the assignment, this is what you will turn in.

Fill out the Biopsychosocial Assessment and the Worksheet 5

Describe Diagnostic Impression According to DSM 5 (diagnostic picture as is possible, all relevant conditions should be noted and recorded. If there is more than one disorder, all disorders should be listed, with the disorder most responsible for the recent visit listed first:

Coping strengths and weaknesses

What are the client’s key self-reported strengths? Are there other strengths you observe or can infer?

How does the child protect themselves from anxiety and stress? Who do they turn to for support and nurturance?

How does the client characteristically interact with others? Are these strategies successful in meeting the client’s needs? Are they routinely problematic? Can the client show flexibility in style of interaction?

How do these strengths, challenges, and abilities fit with the client’s social and systems resources? What resources or obstacles facilitate or inhibit the client’s mastering current issues/concerns?


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