Article critique

When writing an article critique, you will need to summarize, evaluate, and offer critical comment on the ideas and information that the author(s) presents in the article.

Starting in Module Two, you are assigned two articles to read, which are located in Module Resources for that specific module. You have to select one of the two articles and write a critique of it. In your paper, cite any and all information taken from the article or any other references used.

Your goal should be to read and understand the article, analyze the findings or arguments, and evaluate and comment on the article.

Main Elements

Be sure to address the following within your article critique:

What is the issue that the article is specifically addressing? Is this a significant problem or issue related to the concepts and theory in this course? Why or why not?

What references did the author use in this article?

Did the article contain research? What data was used? What instruments, if any, were used to collect data?

What were some of the conclusions, if any, to the research in this article?

Was the article reliable and valid? Explain.

Was this article well written? Thoughtful and reflective?

What were the limitations in this article? Any variables?

Any other thoughts, comments?



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