Concept Map Project

For your project this term you will be selecting a patient from the clinical setting to complete a concept map on. You will follow the format listed below. You will complete the information on a word document.
For example, Select any diagnosis like Diabetes, Copd, Hypertension, etc

For your project this term you will be selecting a patient from the clinical setting to complete a concept map on. You will follow the format listed below. You will complete the information on a word document and submit it by 5:30pm on 9/26/22 to the Canvas Drop box. Every day it is late following this time and date will be subtracted 10 points per day.

Requirements of the project:

Patient Information (10 points)

  • History
    • Medical history
    • Psychosocial history
    • Family History
    • Medical diagnoses
  • Lab values
    • Know what is normal range.
    • Know which labs are abnormal.
    • Know which labs are significant for the patient.

Pathophysiology (10 points):





Medical Treatment:

Medications (10 points)

  • Make a list of all medications ordered for your patient. Create a drug card for each medication using the correct format. You must select a patient that is taking at least 5 medications.
  • You must list why they are being prescribed, common side effects, nursing implications and teaching points.
  • Use the following format to create your medication list:
  • Trade Name: Classification:
  • Generic Name:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Rationale for ordered medication:
  • Normal Dosage Range:
  • Common Adverse Effects:
  • Nursing Implications/Pt.Teaching/Correct Administration Techniques:

Nursing Diagnoses (20 points) – Create 2 nursing diagnoses for your selected patient.

  • The Nursing Diagnosis must contain:
    • Problem from the NANDA-I list
    • Be related to etiology or cause
    • Provide details about the patient that proves that this is a good dx for the patient.

Expected Outcome/Goals (20 points)

  • Each nursing diagnosis must have a goal.
  • The expected outcome is a specific statement of the goal the patient is expected to achieve as a result of the nursing intervention.
  • It should contain specific, measurable criteria and be realistic, attainable, and have a defined time line.

Interventions (20 points)

  • Each Nursing Diagnosis must have 3 interventions
  • Each intervention must:
    • contain measurable data, volumes, times, specific information
    • be individualized and realistic to this patient
    • may include medications or treatments as ordered
  • Each intervention must have a stated rationale explaining why you are doing it or how this action will help accomplish your goal.

Teaching Plan (10 points):

  • Appropriate Topic: What are you teaching?
  • Why appropriate: Specific to this patient/family
  • Content: Teach me the material just like you would the family/patient (Tell me what you will say!)
  • Strategy: How would you teach this material? Demo, movie, pamphlets, auditory (lecture), model, posters, etc.

Evaluation: How would you evaluate the patient’s/family’s understanding of the teaching.

Nanda Nursing Dianoses.pdf  Download Nanda Nursing Dianoses.pdf


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