Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin could be described as the quintessential American. In many ways, he represents everything that is good about Americans. He was smart without being arrogant, and he made the world a better place with his inventions. Without claiming the limelight for himself, he steered the Colonies towards independence. He mitigated the terror of house fires. He provided for others to teach themselves through reading by advocating the concept of a free library. He grew and changed as a person.


Having written all of the above, I now want to know what you think of Franklin. I recognize that not everyone admires Franklin. But if you do, what is it you admire about Franklin and why?


However, it may be that you do not admire Franklin. If not, why?


And perhaps, you have mixed feelings about Franklin. Explain that reaction, then.


And regardless of your feelings towards Franklin, which of his many inventions or projects do you see as his most important contribution to our world? I will be contributing to this discussion as my schedule allows. I encourage you to always check back after your contribution to see what you classmates have written. If you want to write your research paper on Franklin, this would be a good sources of ideas for you.

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