Sociology of the family

Develop a 7 question interview schedule, in response to the following question:How does the role of parenting influence the socialization of our society’s next generation?

Consider what kinds of questions you would ask someone who has experience with parenting in order to answer the question. You might want to design questions about values, child-rearing techniques, personal goals, identity scripts, cultural influences, et cetera, that informed how and why they parented; you might want to consider asking what it meant/means for them to parent; or, you might want to investigate with questions about the social context in which people are parenting.

With this assignment, your job is to get more comfortable with the process of interviewing. Use this experience to help get prepared for the formal interview you will be conducting for the final written project: consider what your introduction will be like and how you will explain your project to your participant; try using prompts and probing questions throughout your interview; note any areas in your interview where you were conscious of your own bias; review your interview schedule – does the ordering or framing of questions need to be changed?

Then, write a one page personal reflection on the experience of interviewing.


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