Critique of a qualitative journal article

Review of qualitative paper:

Martínez-Morato, S., Feijoo-Cid, M., Galbany-Estragués, P., Fernández-Cano, M.I., Arreciado Marañón, A. (2021). Emotion management and stereotypes about emotions among male nurses: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 20(1), article 114. org/10.1186/s12912-021-00641-z

Use the following headings:

The research problem and its significance:

Describe the research problem (the reason the researcher is interested in the study) and its significance (why it is important).

The research design;

Identify the research approach, which refers to how the study was conducted. What was done? To whom? For what reason?

Is the study qualitative or quantitative? What type of study (e.g Phenomenology; ethnography, descriptive study)? Describe the study characteristics (e.g sample size; inclusion criteria, who was excluded, why?).

You also need to discuss the appropriateness of the design for the study. For example, in qualitative studies- subjective, experience, understanding.

Make sure you have included- recruitment, ethics, data collection.

Question 6- specific concept- Reflexivity

Was reflexivity considered? Why is it important? You need to answer question 6 of the CASP tool here.

Data analysis: In this section, the analysis of the study recordings/ transcripts needs to be described and evaluated, using question 8 of the CASP guide.

The findings/results of the study need to be discussed, taking into consideration the clarity of the findings, what they mean and the value of the study. You need to answer questions 9-10 of the CASP tool here.

Relevance to contemporary nursing policy and practice;

Finally, you are required to discuss the relevance of the study to contemporary nursing policy and practice;

Include the impact the findings may have for nurses.


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