Extended Questions

Read and write 1 extended questions for each articles (So 5 questions in total).

  1. a) an initial question directed toward a major concept/issue/theory/topic under discussion in the article or chapter (if you could ask the author a question);
  2. b) a well written paragraph or two (about 200-300 words), based on critical thinking, to elaborate the reason(s) you posed the question in the manner you did (and which may or may not include further, corollary, questions).

In other words, express why your question is an important one to consider


1 Negritude: A Humanism of the Twentieth Century by Leopold Sedar Senghor

5 Remembering Fanon: Self~ Psyche and the Colonial Condition by Homi Bhabha

3 National Liberation and Culture by Amilcar Cabral

2 On National Culture by Frantz Fanon

4 Can the Subaltern Speak? by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


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