IF Oxford Science + Ideas Festival
In association with Science Oxford

IF Oxford is organised by the Oxfordshire Science Festival (Charity number 1151361), with Trustees and a small team that work year-round to produce the Festival. We want the complexity, wonder and opportunities of scientific research to be explored, challenged and enjoyed across society.
“This is the best thing to do in Oxford. Your brain lights up for the evening.”
(Attendee feedback, 2018)

“The festival gave a social scientist and musicians the chance to work with a group of young people with a complex story to tell. On stage, we all saw how music is such a powerful way to explore ideas, emotions and pressures of living in the world.”
(Rodney P, British hip hop artist, 2018)

For further information, please see: https://if-oxford.com/home-2/

Complete the attached event planning toolkit, considering how the Event Planning process might apply to an event presented by IF Oxford, at one of the venues visited on the Year 1 Residential Trip to Oxford and the Warwickshire region.

Please ensure ALL task responses are fully supported by reference to relevant theory and research evidence, providing industry examples to illustrate.

Please note that this toolkit needs to be completed with references according to the theory books from the reading list (see PDF attached)

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