PS 3280: Policy Analysis Fall 2022
12 Incentives — Learning Objectives: Examine examples of incentives on Cigarette tax & Soda tax Compare and contrast how incentives can affect policy WRITING ASSIGNMENT # 2 — Due Discuss the Mosley article — Advocacy Coalition Stone -Incentives Supplemental articles 13 Rules and Facts in the Policy Process Learning Objectives: Foster awareness of and discuss the overlap of roles and facts throughout the policy process Stone — Rules & Facts 14 Rights and Powers of Policy Process and Policy Analysis Learning Objectives: Integrate course readings in discussions of decision space, rights, and power as they relate to the policy process and policy analysis Stone Rights & Powers 15 Student Presentations on Radin Assignment 16 Final Week of Class — Tuesday only Student Presentation on Radin Assignment Conclude
Writing Assignments — Critical response essays • Klyza, M. & Sousa, D. (2010). Beyond Gridlock: Green Drift in American Environmental Policymaking. Political Science .Quarter#, 125:3, 443-463. • Mosley, J. & Gibson, K. (2017). Strategic use of evidence in state-level policy making: matching evidence type to legislative stage. Polity Selena,.
*Do not use more than one direct quote in your paper, rather you should synthesize the information and explain the argument/article. Do not use contractions in academic writing, do not editorialize in the response papers unless instructed to do so; proofread your work; I expect you to produce good and thoughtful work, and will work with you to improve your writing skills.
Sample instructions for the writing assignments.
Write a one-page response paper with 1-inch margins, single-spaced, 12point font, one-sided only. In your critical response: 1. Situate the policy issue and concisely summarize the argument. 2. Apply and explain the idea/theory more broadly. 3. Provide critical feedback on the argument. a. How is the argument supported? b. VC/hat is not accounted for? c. What are a couple of implications of what is discussed? 4. Based on your analysis, discuss what you believe to be the future of this aspect of public policy? (This should be a very short part of your paper; no more than two or three sentences).
*You will answer similar questions for both articles.
PS 3280: Policy Analysis Fall 2022
Academic Integrity: We will follow the university policies outlined at For your convenience the policies are offered below.
Academic Integrity Code I. Introduction: Appalachian State University’s Academic Integrity Code is designed to create an atmosphere of trust, respect, fairness, honesty, and responsibility. The Academic Integrity Code outlines “user-friendly” procedures and mechanisms for resolving alleged violations of academic integrity. The Academic Integrity Code is the result of cooperation among Appalachian’s faculty, students, and administrators, and promotes a campus dialogue about academic integrity. All members of the Appalachian State University community are responsible for promoting an ethical learning environment.
II. The Academic Integrity Code Students attending Appalachian State University agree to abide by the following Code: • Students will not lie, cheat, or steal to gain academic advantage. • Students will oppose every instance of academic dishonesty. Students shall agree to abide by the Academic Integrity Code when submitting the admission application Printable PDF of the Complete Academic Code
A Note on Academic Dishonesty: In the university setting, academic dishonesty is one of the most serious offenses a student can commit. Often students are not aware of exactly what constitutes academic dishonesty. I offer some basic guidelines: 1. Cheating on an exam:, !ally by_th_e_ros_tru.. Ito_r,….mayfot look at someone else’s work, allow someone else to 4, .1 Ag an exam.
Exploratory Paper
1. Write your issue in a complete sentence. Explain it, and include the information that provides background and makes the issue interesting to your readers.
2. Explain the parts of the rhetorical situation that are already in place as you begin to write. Describe the exigence or context for your issue, including what happened to make people interested in it. Identify the individuals or groups of people interested in this issue, witfra brief introduction to their positions. Mention some of the constraints of these groups. For example, what do they think, value, and believe?
3. Describe at least three different positions on your issue, state who holds them, and give some of their reasons for holding them. You may explain more than three positions, if you want or need to do so. Jot down the positions. a. Position 1: b. Position 2:
c. Position 3: 4. Explain your personal interest in the issue and the position you favor.