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Go to chapter 2 Essentials of Cultural Anthropology: A tool kit for global age third edition Kenneth J Guest d (Ebook available at Nortonebooks.com)

Post a description of an object /artifact and, if possible, a photo, of the object. Describe the object’s history on our online discussion board.

Describe the item and where it was made. What is the history of the object? What kind of impact does the item have on your life? What about the people who made it?

As you read through your classmates’ posts about objects from their own lives, think about the global impact on day-to-day lives Review what a cultural iceberg is in Chapter 2 module. What is the value of this artifact? What does it symbolize?

Think like an anthropologist. Use specific vocabulary, at least 5 terms and concepts from the Chapter that a cultural anthropologist would use in your posts and responses.


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