Overview: In the previous two modules, you created a causal loop diagram and a stock and flow diagram of a particular system. One of the reasons we create
diagrams is to help us understand the behavior of a system over time. In this activity, you will look at various situations involving systems and analyze the

Prompt: Look through recent news coverage. You can use newspapers, online news, television news, blogs such as Huffington Post, and so on. You can find
systems operating almost anywhere you look. Use at least two different situations/media stories.

For each media story, summarize the story and characterize
the system involved. Then identify which of the following behaviors are represented in the system and describe how they are represented:

Nonlinear systems
Nonexistent boundaries
Limits to growth
Ubiquitous delays
Bounded rationality
Causality (versus correlation)
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Summarize at least two media stories involving systems.
Describe a system involved in each media story.
Identify behaviors represented in each system.
Describe how those behaviors are affecting each system

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