Introduction to English Language and Literature: Language analysis
(This is a pass or fail piece of work, meeting the criteria is the only necessity, however, a deeper understanding is preferred. I have already begun to make a draft of this work and would be very grateful if you could add to and follow on from that. (it is not necessary to keep the draft like parts if it isn’t helpful) I will attach what I have completed so far. I believe I am on the right track to meeting the criteria, but as an adult learner with children and a demanding job, I am seeking help)
The first extract is from Brian Keenan’s autobiography ‘AN EVIL CRADLING’
second is an extract is from the opening of Erin Morgenstern’s novel ‘THE NIGHT CIRCUS’
(Welcome to reference anything if applicable to researching the time era etc.. otherwise referencing will mostly be unnecessary for this piece)
Assessment criteria:
Understand the key linguistic features of a range of texts;
1.1 Describe the key linguistic features of a range of texts.
1.2 Analyse the EFFECTS of key linguistic features within the texts.
Understand a range of linguistic terms and concepts;
2.1 Identify key terms and concepts relevant to an analysis of the linguistic features of a text.
2.2 Apply relevant linguistic terms and concepts when discussing or analysing the texts.
Respond independently to textual material;
3.1 Engage with the language of texts which have been chosen from a range of textual material.
3.2 Discuss the construction of texts with reference to context.
3.3 Undertake a linguistic analysis of text providing supporting evidence.
Assignment brief:
Compare how language is used to achieve effects in two texts/extracts from texts. (The two extracts will be attached)
Within your plan, consider the range of features you want to include, and plan the order in which you will consider them. Have a clear paragraph structure if relevant to your answer including an introduction and conclusion.
To meet AC 1.1 make sure that you engage with the language of texts that have been chosen
Make sure you analyse and compare the effects of key linguistic features of the texts, such as audience, purpose, Alexis, syntax, form and register (1.2) Include relevant textual evidence to support your points.